6666 Sepulveda Blvd No. 212, Van Nuys CA 91411
DEŪS MARCA LLC Non-Compete & Confidentiality Term Sheet
This Non-Compete & Confidentiality Term Sheet (the “terms”) is effective , agreed upon between Deūs Marca LLC (referred to as “Deūs Marca”), and you (the “Partner”), (both parties collectively referred to as “business owners”), aiming to establish a collaborative business relationship and protect Confidential Information as defined below. "Written format" includes email correspondence, shared links and documents in any digital formats.
By choosing to be a Preferred Partner, accessing or using any resources in our Partner Hub, you ("Partner") agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, please refrain from using our resources and contact us to let us know that you no longer wish to be part of our Partnership Program.
1. Non-Compete
Each business owner agrees to maintain ethical conduct, professionalism, respect, and open communication in all business interactions. Acknowledging potential overlap in services offered to clients, each business owner agrees:
2. Professional Conduct on Social Platforms
Recognizing the impact of social media, each business owner agrees to portray the other in a professional and respectful manner when mentioning each other or each other’s clients. Requests for edits or changes regarding mentions, credit, or commentary are to be accommodated where reasonable.
3. Shared Credit
For collaborative projects or clients, each business owner agrees to credit the other in marketing materials, including social media and websites. Requests for adjustments to credit attributions should be respectfully considered.
4. Confidentiality
Both parties, along with their associates (partners, employees, or independent contractors), commit to maintaining confidentiality regarding each other’s shared materials, information, and intellectual properties. Any information exchanged for potential collaborations shall remain confidential unless explicit written consent is obtained from the originating business owner.